MyMeeku's Blog

About Being the Best of Ones potential

The Rise and Fall of Reccession (Part 2)

In the area of Personal Development or Mastery. If you observe an increase of interest in these type of training such as renowned courses by Anthony Robin, Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker. Asian have realize that the mental model needs to change and the business model of the world is fast changing looking to learn from the Best thus creating the demand hunger for these courses. With the the economic situation, one would think in general that people are more cash conservative and seem this phenomena is more true in US counterparts as there seem to be a surge of demand in this industry in Asia. There seem to be more Guru themselves personally come over for the seminars in relative to sending an instructor. One can look at the number of events in Singapore and Malaysia over the last few months and months to come. Personally, I have attended the Millionaire Minds by T Harv Eker (It was awesome) and impressed by the number of crowd. They were from all over Asia and the world, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia and as far as Europe. So what does this say, well for one with recession, it has made this self help to be successful seminars very popular. So if you are in a niche of promoting wealth generation tools, now is a good time to promote you product big time.

So who said recession needs to be an agony, wake up , go do something wonderful, opportunity is out there. Go for a public seminar, there are numerous stimulus package and talk for public. on the contrary enjoy the recession as it will end pretty soon with sign that we are encouraging. Best of luck everyone.

July 28, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment